Our Tallow Story

In 2022, a friend of mine introduced me to her tallow products.  She had found a local renderer that could turn beef suet into amazing tallow products.  I wasn't really searching for a daily moisturizer for my skin, but being someone who has combination skin with zero plans to fight aging, I figured I'd give it a try.

Wow. It was amazing how much my skin loved the tallow.  It didn't make me feel greasy throughout the day, my skin just felt moisturized.  Typically, whatever I used under my makeup would wear out by the end of the day, and leave my makeup looking blotchy and uneven. The tallow helped me hold that glow, all day long!

My preteen daughter, who has never liked anything on her skin, watched me and decided she'd give it a try.  She loved it as well, because of how light and airy it feels, but also for how great it makes her skin look!

Fast forward to the fall, and the local renderer, Alyse from Butterhide, reached out to me to see if she could source some of our farm's beef suet to use for her products.  Her tallow line had taken off so well, and had such a great response, that she was needing more and more locally sourced suet.  She had explored our website and felt great about using products from our farm.  That began our relationship as she used the suet for her own tallow sales, but also began rendering for us to be able to use and market our tallow personally.

Since then, we have become solely tallow users.  Especially as the cold winter months hit, and our typical winter dry and irritated skin began to flare.  The entire family - my kids and husband included - started using our tallow to treat dry skin all over our bodies, our hands, our lips - you name it, we put it there.  Well, almost. :)

In researching tallow, I've learned why it's so good to our skin.  Simply, it's natural.  It's properties are structurally the same as our skin, so when applied, our skin knows exactly what to do with it.  It makes sense, right?  What's more, is that we have totally tossed any and all other skincare products.  I am completely finished with using Aquaphor and Petroleum jelly.  The thought that we've been applying oils to our skin that were found at the bottom of oil barrels after refinement leaves me shaking my head at myself for not thinking more about what we were using.  We simply just used it because it worked.

NOW, we have an option that is good for our skin and IT WORKS.  

Check out all of our tallow products below: