Our Favorite Local Farms to Source From!

Our Favorite Local Farms to Source From!

Y'all know how important supporting local farms is to me. I believe in the importance of connecting to those who raise food.  Knowing who they are, what they stand for and most importantly HOW they do it.  And we appreciate you coming to us to fill your freezers and feed your families with your favorite beef cuts, but also love to refer you to our other farm friends who can help provide for your family as well! Plus, it keeps our local economy thriving.  When you spend your dollars at a local business, it creates a ripple of spending at other businesses within your community.

We spend our dollars at the local doctor's offices, the local hardware stores, bank locally, buy other groceries locally, pay taxes locally, pay insurance locally, the list is never ending, and it helps keep those businesses open and supporting employees and their families!

I get asked about other proteins and items from time to time that we don't offer on our farm, such as pork & chicken.  Below are some other local farms that we ourselves trust and support, and I hope you'll consider them as well:

Chicken & Pork:  www.grasspoweredpoultry.com

Chicken:  www.holtonlivestockco.com

Raw Milk:  www.ayersvalley.com

Raw Honey: Mark & Karen Klump, Russellville, OH (I can help connect you)

Tallow & Skincare products:  Yours truly! It's new and rendered from our tallow and great for nourishing your skin, naturally!


Vegetable CSA for year-round vegetable delivery:





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